These are just a bunch of random pictures.
Marlin is still old school, he hasn’t upgraded to a cell
phone. But, hey, he can use it
while he sleeps.
Gus received some late Christmas gifts from Uncle
Sammy. They were well worth the
wait! He loves them.
The Viking hat that Marlin is wearing was given to us from
the Barker’s. It is one of the
funniest things I have seen. Who
thinks of this stuff?
Marlin has taken to his little blue blanket just like Gus
did with Gray blankie. We were
smart this time and bought a back up one, just in case.
We have a picture of Gus in big sauce pan when he was Marlin’s
age, so we decided to throw him in this pan.
Gus being silly Gus!
He has gotten the hang of how to use the mask and snorkel (out of the
water anyway).
I know Marlin looks huge in this picture but it is just the
angle. However, he is getting
bigger everyday. You can see his
scare in this picture too. Makes
him look tough if he didn’t have that goofy grin on his face!