Monday, October 31, 2011

Potty Training has Begun

We are from the new school of thought on potty training: basically we have no idea what we are doing!  So our strategy so far has been to just let him run around with no pants on.  He doesn't seem to complain and he even has made it to the toilet a couple of times.  Mostly, he likes peeing and pooping outside.  That is where he spends most of his time and after all, that is where Futura (our yellow lab) goes.  It makes perfect sense in a little boys mind.  Needless to say it has made for some really cute pictures.

Mommy says I can use the leaves to wipe, but I think she may be a little left of center.

Isn't it great?  I get to play naked all day!

What?  Doesn't everybody poop outside?

Nature calls: Rare sighting of the poop machine, the red slippers make him nearly impossible to catch

It helps when he grabs his coolie and I read to him
It is getting a little cooler in the mornings!


  1. I think this is my favorite post yet! Probably because Aunty Jen is a little left of center like Gus' mommy ;).
